Through my recent health issues I have had the blessing of getting to spend alot of time alone with HIM. He has used that time to allow me to go through one of His many "classes" In this classroom of life he has revealed to me that I had forgotten my first love (Rev 2:4) He has shown me that my first love has its origin around "4 Things"
1. Stay close to ME
2. Trust (really trust!!) ME and obey ME
3. Love others
4. Spread the gospel
HE has revealed to me that no matter my circumstances (cancer or no cancer,good health or bad health,financial problems or no financial problems,etc.) that I can still focus on those 4 things thus never forgetting my first love. Undersatnding that HIS love empowers and enables others attitudes and behaviors to be changed provides so much hope. The enemy wants me to constantly question who I am and distract me from my first love and that is why really believing and understanding that I am who HE says I am is so vital to being able to stay focused on the 4 Things. Keep pursuing HIM and HE will draw you nearer and reveal HIS simplicity and HIS amazing love!!!