Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Life that made a difference..James Mceachern

My heart has been heavy the past few days since learning of the passing one of the men in my personal "Hall of Fame". Jim Mceachern was one of the founders of the Tom James Company and was a brilliant businessman. But that is not who he really was...he was a man who the Lord used to make a difference for HIS kingdom. Character is defined as "the combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person from another" Jim's character is what made him stand out from the crowd because his charcater was rooted in GOD.
13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

Everything about Jim came from the core fact that you could tell he was spending time with Jesus. He was what I would describe as "scripture with legs" and he displayed this to his wife,kids,grandkids,friends and business associates in the corporate world. It is said that true wisdom is viewing life from God's perspective, so I would have to say that Jim had true wisdom. My wife found this qoute from Bily Graham about character and I think it says what Jim would want said about his life...."True greatness is not measured by the headlines a person commands or the wealth he accumulates. The inner character of a person--the undergirding moral and spiritual values and commitments--is the true measure of lasting greatness. THANK YOU JIM FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!
This was one of his final Facebook post before he passed way this week that tells us who he was...I'm grateful to God for giving me a wonderful family ... Arlene, Karen, Mike, Lynda, Angie, Jerald, Mindy, Michael McD, Jeff, Jonathan, Robert, Katy, Josh, Dan, Caleb, Melissa, James, Melinda, Melanie, Michael S, Michael T, Nathan, Mitchell, Micah, Mekaylee, Candace, Stephanie, Lylah, Tiffany & Juan. My greatest desire is to spend all eternity with God, with them and with all our friends in Heaven !