Recently I read this from Oswald Chambers..."We limit the Holy One by remembering only what we have allowed Him to do for us in the past." I had to ask myself .."Is that my expectation of God?" I would have to say alot times it probably is, but why do I think that way? Hasn't scripture constantly shown me that HE can do the amazing and it even states that what is impossible with man is possible with GOD. My wife and I were talking yesterday about my recent health issues and she said she had been pondering whether or not we should be claiming victory for God that he answered prayers in making this mass that was found not be cancer. The doctors are saying that it apparently is something related to an old football injury. NO! It's HIM answering prayers and HIM doing more for me than anything HE had done in my past!! My expectation of HIM has to be based on who HE is not my past experiences. We see in Joshua 10:12-13 what that looks like...Joshua was leading an attack of the Amorites and HE asked God to do something that would seem "crazy" by most of our thinking.
"O sun stand still at Gibeon,and O moon in the valley of Aijalon. So the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies."
Joshua had an "audacious faith" to ask God to make the sun stand still. Scripture doesnt tell us that God had ever done anything like this before for Joshua. So he wasn't limiting God by his own past experiences. What's really crazy is that it says GOD did what Joshua asked! WOW!! That is the GOD we serve. GOD chose to answers Joshua's prayer. HE did what only HE could do. HE did it in a way that cant be explained and that His people would never forget. HE wants to do exceedingly,abundanly more than we could ever imagine so we can marvel at HIM everyday. How about asking and trusting HIM to do just that!!!!
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