We've been talking a lot about BLESSINGS at our church this year, in the main worship services and in our ABF (Sunday School) class. For the past couple of weeks, we've been digging into Matthew 5:1-16 during class.
We started with BLESSED - what does that word mean in society today?
The word for blessed is "makarioi"which means to be characterized by the quality of God. It also means to be fully satisfied. When a person has Christ living in Him, he is blessed and truly satisfied. Blessedness happens when Christ lives in our hearts and brings a fundamental satisfaction in our lives. Lots of folks can say they are happy, but only those who have the indwelling life of Christ can say they are blessed.
We talked about poor in spirit, mourning, meekness, hunger and thirst, mercy, purity of heart, being a peacemaker, and persecution. The class had lots of great examples and discussion on what each of those meant - both to society in general and from God's Word and the difference in the two views.
And then we got to verse 13 - 16 and it got hard.
YOU ARE the salt of the earth.
YOU ARE the light of the world.
LET your light shine.
See folks, it's not about me. It's not about you. It's not about the clothes you wear or the size of your Bible. It's not about the hymns and it's not about the building.
It's about showing THEM, it's about HIM.
Salt has many uses and we named them in class. It flavors, it preserves, it heals, it tenderizes, and it creates thirst. Light has many uses and we named some of them in class too. It exposes darkness, makes things grow, provides heat, and illuminates paths.
In Matthew 5:14 Jesus calls us the LIGHT - and in John 8:12 Jesus says He is the LIGHT. You see, it is Jesus' light within us that we are supposed to be sharing with others. As the salt, we should be flavoring the world around us and making people thirsty to have the LIVING WATER so they will never thirst again.
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