Our cat is one of my least favorite things in life! This is her (Baby Kitty) in her usual day-long position, sleeping on a soft fuzzy blanket in front of a window.
Baby goes around carefree thinking she owns the place.
Baby leaves hair everywhere for us to deal with.
Baby pesters us until we give her what she wants to meet her needs.
This month - about once a week - Baby has been urinating in front of her litter box (on a rubber mat) instead of inside it. We have no idea why and it's not cute!
When we try to punish her for doing it, she doesn't seem to be bothered and instantly goes back to doing whatever she was doing before - usually taking a nap - which is her top priority for every day.
This all makes me want to leave the front door open and hope she will go and find another family so I don't have to deal with her anymore.
WAIT A MINUTE....this also sound like me (well not the litter box part)!!
I go through life like I own the place. I leave messes for others to deal with and I want my needs met as soon as possible. God chastens me at times and then I start acting like it didn't even bother me and I go right back to doing the same old things.
I wonder if God wishes He could leave the door open so I might run off and then He wouldn't have to deal with me anymore?
WAIT A MINUTE.....that's not my God!! He looks at me as being the apple of His eye.
These verses validate that He looks at me in a way that I can't even begin to comprehend:
2 Cor. 5:17 New Creation
Rom. 8:1 Not Condemned
Phil 3:20 Citizen of Heaven
Eph 1:4 Holy and Blameless
1 Cor 1:2 Saint
Heb 9:28 Forgiven
And many other verses like these make His view of me very clear. Oh, if I could only see myself the way HE sees me!
"The Lord is my shepherd...He restores my soul....Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me....surely Your goodness and lovingkindness will pursue me all the days of my life. (Psalm 23:1,4,6)
What wonderful news to know that the thoughts I have about my cat never cross HIS mind because of what Jesus did on that cross. What an amazing God!!!
And if you stop by to see us and the front door is standing open... my wife and cat are probably hoping I'm heading out for a long walk.
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