Monday, April 4, 2011

YOU are really and truly and completely FREE!!

I recently had a book reccomended to me by Alan Miller,pastor of First Missionary Baptist.  It is titled  A Scandalous Freedom...The radical nature of the Gospel.  I have only gotten through the first two chapters but have already underlined and highlighted numerous things.  I was really struck by the following from pgs. 12 and 13......  "There is no kicker. There is no if and or but. You are free. Abraham Lincoln went to a slave market. There he noted a young,beautiful African-American woman being auctioned off to the highest bidder. He bid on her and won.He could see the anger in the young woman's eyes and could imagine what she was thinking.Another white man who will buy me,use me,and then discard me. As Lincoln walked off with his property, he turned to the woman and said, "You're free."    "Yeah. What does that mean?" she replied.   "It means that you're free"   "Does it mean I can say whatever I want, be whatever I want, go wherever I want?"  "Yes, it means you can do all those things."  "Then," said the young woman, "I think I'll go with you"  That is what God has done for us. We have been bought with a price, the price of God's own Son.  We are really and truly and completely free!!!

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